Saturday, October 9, 2010

You Waited For Me

You Waited For Me

All these years
All these tears
Spent in and out of love
All the drama
All the trauma
You waited for me

The days I cried
The nights I lied
The times I tried
And failed
And failed again
You waited for me

Deep inside I knew
Behind the smoke and mirrors
I knew
That I would find you
And I am so thankful
You waited for me

                  ~ Kazi Kearse

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Starfish Story

The Starfish Story

I came upon a beach where thousands and thousands of starfish had washed up on the shore. I saw an old man walking along picking them up one by one and throwing them one by one back into the sea. I went down and asked the old man what he was doing. He said, "I'm throwing these starfish back into the water, for without the water, they can not breath and they will die”. I said, "But there must be thousands of these starfish here. What makes you think it will make any difference”. The old man picked up another starfish, tossed it back into the sea, turned and looked at me and said. "Well my brother you see, it made a difference to that one."
-Darrel Whitewolf

I love this story, and it is so true on many different levels. There are nearly 7 billion people in the world. A world that has many problems. When I began to awaken I thought that I had to wake everybody else up too. I felt that the entire country, and in fact the world needs to rise up and throw off the oppressors who have been oppressing us for centuries!

As I developed however, I came to realize that not everyone was, nor wanted to, wake up as I did. I began to see that it was not my job to save everyone. Instead my job is to be a source of light, that helps light the way. For me, the way is a way of thinking I call Liberation Psychology.

Liberation Psychology can change not just your political way of looking at the world, but EVERYTHING you know and understand about the world! This book is the culmination of years of research and contains within it’s pages everything you need to know in order to think and be free.

Starfish have a special place in my heart. They are creatures who adapt to living in two worlds. There is a time they are in the water, and there is also a time when they are brought by the tides onto the land. Here they enjoy their new normal, and wait for the water to return and take them back out to sea. May this book lift you from darkness, teach you to love what is, till it is time for you to return to the sea, and to love. Like the famous political organizer Harvey Milk once said:
“I want to recruit you”!!!


“ Just when the caterpillar thought it’s world was over
….It became a butterfly”!!!
- Anonymous

Are you trying to maintain a positive attitude on the inside while all around you your world is crashing down around you? If you are, than this is the book you have been waiting to read! There IS a reason that this generation is the first generation, in recent memory, that will have less than the previous one. The truth is you have been lied to, manipulated, and set up, your entire life. The game was set up way before you were even born. Your parents were lied to also, and their parents before them. While they toiled under these lies, it is only now, in this generation, that ignorance of this system will lead to total disaster. For the power elite that run the game are calling in their cards. This is the pivotal point in history that everything can change. You must wake up. You can regain your vision by learning how to see around their lies. You can be free from those who seek to control you!

Dr. Kazi Kearse is a therapist, author, and fellow citizen. Who once suffered under this system like many of you. Economic tyranny was one of the factors that led to the downfall of his marriage, bankruptcy, illness, and years of fighting back from debt.

What grew in it’s place, was Liberation Psychology, a form of Abundance Thinking, that can free your mind from the downward spiral that has been put in place for you by those who seek to oppress you. Dr. Kearse will take you step by step up from whatever place you find yourself in at the moment, and show you that you can not only survive these times, but learn how to prosper and live abundantly! Isn’t it time you discover:

• Who’s working against you, and what is their scheme to enslave you through debt.
• What steps you need to take to free yourself from this system of debt.
• How to maintain positive thoughts even in negative environments.
• How to change / create any emotion you desire?
• How your own body can be used to answer any question you ever have?
• How to give and receive Limitless Love?
• The Creation Formula developed by Dr. Kearse, and how to use it?
• The Abundance Thinking 12 Step Program.
• How to create wealth, joy, love and abundance in your life from your very next thought!

You are free to put this book down, walk away and go back to sleep. To be used by the corporate state and spit out like the useless eater they see you as.

Or you can read it’s pages and learn that you have been dreaming, and are only now truly waking up!